Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Prometheus: "The Gift of Fire" or "Hipsters Gonna Hate..."

The Steve-O says: One of the most (not-so)surprisingly awesome movies this past year in “my opinion” was Prometheus, which was accordingly met with a lot of distasteful love, much like a cat turd. I think most people went into the movie expecting all their questions to be answered and for it to end with the engineer we briefly met but quickly fell in love with in ‘Alien’. That, however, was not the case. It took a different turn and the planet LV-426 was nowhere to be found. Like a good friend of mine once said “Open your mind.”

Instead of keeping up with today’s cinema expectations of explosions and massive action (refer to article below) Scott decided to go back to his roots and use a scientific formula with equal parts ‘Alien’ and ‘Blade Runner’ mixed together to get the basis for Prometheus. This makes the movie more science fiction than horror, but so what?! Not everything has to be horror (Yes, that’s right. I said it).

So Prometheus didn’t answer all the questions you had and so what if it left you with more questions at the end of the movie. That’s what a movie is supposed to do: Leave you wanting more. That’s not a bad thing. With a sequel/s planned, I look forward to revisiting the Prometheus universe and having my questions answered while being left with more. 

The FrankDawg says: Prometheus is awesome in it's own right. I love the parallels/hints it has with 'Alien'. I love the little 'Blade Runner' easter-egg. Fassbender is awesome regardless what movie he's in. I love it marking Scott's somewhat return to the genre. I thought it was a really good blend of Sci-Fi/Horror, seeing as how nowadays people are too impatient for a slow-burn flick. I think Scott was smart not to just try and remake Alien with new effects, that would be stupid and pointless. I found it visually stunning and thought provoking with its religiousness and existentialism. If you didn't enjoy Prometheus then you watched it for the wrong reasons with unrealistic expectations.

This is basically a long-story-short situation. If you’re not going to this (or any) movie to escape the crappy reality of the real world and have a good time for 90 minutes or so then you are a bitter old turd and should go sniff the arnus of the nearest cat.

Give Peace a chance, folks...

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